Tuesday, March 31, 2009

trip to recycling center

I took a trip to the recycling center to see if I could learn anything new, sadly I wasn't able to talk to anyone long but I did get a chance to snap a couple pictures.  I love the colors and texture of these can bales.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

'tissue plastic'

if you need tissue paper in a pinch, make it from plastic grocery bags

>flatten the bags 
> cut off the bottom seam, handles and cut down the sides (cutting off the store name)
> leave the warning on the sheet since it's still plastic
> use in a gift bag
> keep the scraps for other crafts (ideas to come)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

plastic bottle cap basket

This basket was inspired by a coke bottle cap basket that my husband bought in Africa.  We don't buy anything that has metal caps but we do buy drinks that have plastic caps and so do other people we know so I made this from plastic caps.  It turned out even better than I was hoping.